Tuesday, November 3, 2015

2015 Sacramento CX #5 - Lembi Park: Wet and Wild!

What an interesting day full of surprises. The biggest surprise was the rain. Yes, I knew there was a chance of showers but they were forecasted for later in the afternoon so I figured I was golden in keeping skinny hardpack tires on my bike. Wrong! Sure enough, right before the start of the women’s race the skies opened up and in a matter of minutes the nice dry course turned into a slip-and-slide rollercoaster. The rain did not let up for the entire race making for quite the interesting endeavor.

Rocking the slick as ice mud.
Photo by Gary Hudson
Due to the change of conditions (and perhaps a little mental fatigue) I wasn’t fully committed at the start and it wasn’t long before the lead pack drifted away from me. Sometime during the second lap a light went on in my head that said “hello, this is a race and you are a racer, snap to it” so at that point I started to apply myself more and found some competition to battle with for the rest of the race. It was nice to get my motivation back as we pushed each other until the end.  

More rain induced treachery
Photo by Gary Hudson

Back and forth we went taking turns leading and following.
Cyclocross is a great learning environment. It seems every race so far has had different learning experiences. Today reminded me of how important it is to stay focused and committed for the entire race. Unlike mountain biking, there isn’t any time to take a break or make up some time on the downhill. I still finished 6th out of 20 but I know there are things I could have done different for better results.  I really look forward to applying all the lessons I am learning to future races.

Gotta love the Squid Mobile!
Other awesome notes about the day. 24hr-Solo World Champion Sonya Looney showed up to race. I missed out on saying “hi” to her but it was still amazing to see her there. Another one of my favorite things about going to the Sacramento CX races is that I get to see all the colorful Squid Bikes. It is so fun to watch them zoom around the course in all their iterations. . And lastly, the GHETO CX crew always makes for a more enjoyable event. What would CX be without great tunes and an awesome commentator? 

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